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Marvel Legends Wishlist Wave: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants

September 2, 2019

With 2019 being the year of the X-Men in the Marvel Legends line, we thought it would be fitting to have a wave of the “bad guys”.

The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is probably the most iconic X-men villain factions of all time. They’ve also had several renditions over the years with teams led by Magneto, Mystique, Xorn, Havok, Red Queen and many more.  

Eventhough, most of the team members have been released in the Marvel Legends line over the years, we’ve found a few that could be new releases or updated versions of a previously released Hasbro or Toy Biz figure.

This is our list of Marvel Legends that Hasbro should make based on the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

01. Toad

When Toad was originally released in 2002, he had virtually no articulation at that time due to him being a last minute addition to the line. So we think its time for a Jim Lee inspired Toad figure with current day articulation. Pack in some extra hands and a couple extra head sculpts and this would be an instant classic for the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants wave.

02. Morph

Originally created for the X-men the animated series, Morph has become a fan favorite over the years.  He had a couple figures released in the original Toy Biz X-Men line but hasn’t been produced in the Marvel Legends line at all. It’s morphin time!…I mean, its time to get Morph in plastic form again.

03. Pyro

Pyro was previously released in the Toy Biz Marvel Legends Onslaught series. At the time, he was a very good figure and even 13 years later, the figure stills hold up.  However, it is time to see Hasbro’s take on the Australian flamethrower.

04. Avalanche

Although, Avalanche was released in 2005 as a part of the X-Men Classics line, he is another figure that hasn’t been released in the Marvel Legends Line. At the time, he could’ve easily been a part of Marvel Legends however Toy Biz had several lines going that needed to be filled. Now, that version is quite pricey on the secondary market so we know an updated version would be epic.

05. Lady Deathstrike

Lady Deathstrike was last released in the Toy Biz Marvel Legends Onslaught series.  The figure it self was good but not great so, this is one that could benefit from a Hasbro update.

06. Exodus

Exodus has never had a Marvel Legends release.  He is a more obscure early 90’s character however he would be very cool in plastic form and would pair up great with the newly released Mr. Sinister from the Wendigo wave.

07. Madelyne Pryor

Hasbro reps have already stated that a figure of the Cyclops’ first wife and Cable’s mother would never be approved by Disney unless the costume design was changed.  With that said, we can make a compromise. We say give her a black Mystique style outfit to cover her up a bit and there you have it, The Goblin Queen herself!

Build-a-Figure: Blob

Even though we got a great Blob Build-a-figure in 2007, an updated version is always welcomed.  This time around throw in an extra head sculpt and some extra hands to give Blob a variety of looks.

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list for a Marvel Legends Brotherhood of Evil Mutants wave.

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  • Marvel Legends Wishlist Wave: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants 20
    September 2, 2019 at 9:31 am

    Toad would be awesome!

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