The Legend of the Week #003 is the 2019 Marvel Legends San Diego Comic Con Exclusive Hulk figure.
Last year, Hulk made his way into the #4 slot of our 10 best Marvel Legends of 2019 but unfortunately many collector’s had a tough time getting their hands on the big green monster for a several reasons.
First, he was a San Diego Comic Con exclusive. So, you would’ve had to attended the event to purchase him at the $35 price point.
Second, he went up for sale on after SDCC 2019 for $35 however sold out within a matter of seconds!
Third, eBay prices are sitting right around $80 for the Hulk with the latest Amazon price at about $140.
Even though he may have been one of the harder figures to get a hold of in recent memory, many collectors will tell you that he is worth every penny.
Were you able to pick up Hulk?
Is he on your wish list to pick up one day?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
The photo we chose for Hulk was shot by toy photographer Akira Jo. The photo captures Hulk perfectly is all his glorious angry green rage.
Akira is one of the best at making his photos look like true articulated comic book art.
Follow him @akirajo9 on Instagram to see more of his work.
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